Whether you’re readying your business for potential crises in the future or planning for an upcoming critical event, FTI Fortify – our end-to-end preparedness offer – will be able to assist you. Fortify programmes support with risk mitigation, provide useful insights and best practice, and enable you to prepare for and manage critical events. In the current climate, not only will companies face more potential threats, but these potential crises may have a greater risk of long-term damage, both reputationally and operationally. Just because you’re in the middle of responding to a global crisis, it doesn’t mean that others will wait patiently until you’re ready for the next.
We also collaborate with you to develop practical tools, plans and processes to improve your operational and reputation management.
From cyber-attacks to litigation, and from regulatory threats to the leak of sensitive information, the risks businesses face are broader than ever. Add to this the uncertainty caused by the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, it’s clear that being comfortable with the plans and processes that protect your business has never been more important.
Our recent Resilience Barometer research highlighted that, even aside from the coronavirus pandemic, in the past year 86% of companies across the G20 have been negatively impacted by at least one of 18 key scenarios most likely to impact turnover.
Yet companies are still remarkably underprepared. Just 4 in 10 large companies are very confident of their ability to manage major crises over the next 12 months.
Through FTI Fortify, we help organisations prepare for future crises or for upcoming critical events. Example crises and events we’ve worked on include:
Handling a crisis or critical event well takes regular planning and practice.
While we’re all handling issues related to the pandemic, this doesn’t mean that you won’t face other unrelated crises. Cybercrime, for example, has risen during the pandemic and is posing new challenges just at the time when companies may be least equipped to handle this issue.
The chances are that even before COVID-19 the first stages of a crisis you face will be managed remotely rather than conveniently around a conference table. Now the bulk of any crisis will have to be handled remotely.
Ensuring your plans and processes are in place is as important now as it was last year. Stakeholders are just as unforgiving of poorly managed crises.
Similarly, testing your people and processes in this new environment is critical. A remote exercise tests your team’s ability to mobilise and work effectively under pressure over voice/digital collaboration channels.
A simulation keeps a scenario private and secure, and helps you learn, trying new approaches or strategies and getting feedback in a supportive environment. The focus is practical: making decisions and completing actions, rather than just talking issues through.
Combined with your real-world collaboration and conferencing tools, Fortify tests your infrastructure and your team’s ability to collaborate, while keeping the exercise behind closed doors.
All organisations have processes that are followed in the event of a crisis or critical event. For some these will be formalised in the form of crisis preparedness plans, for others they will be informal escalation processes that differ little from business as usual.
FTI is experienced at auditing plans and processes, and benchmarking against best practice.
Documenting policies, processes and plans is an essential part of preparing for both anticipated critical events and unexpected crisis situations.
Our approach is to ensure that plans are comprehensive and relevant, yet also simple and accessible.
Our bespoke and authentic simulation exercises stress-test an organisation’s people, processes and plans.
Our aim is to replicate the operational and reputational challenges through realistic content and roleplay.
The Fortify platform is flexible and we can run exercises entirely remotely.
The responsibility for managing crises and critical events rarely falls to just one or two people.
We have a range of training formats and tools that help embed understanding across an organisation, and ultimately enable effective response.
Enabling can also be run entirely remotely for small or large teams.
Our simulation exercises are designed to highlight process and capability improvements that will strengthen preparedness plans.
Whether preparing for a specific event or any future crisis situation, the first step of preparedness is auditing existing processes and plans. Our audits are designed to identify issues and gaps within the current preparedness processes. We then utilise these key findings to help shape the rest of the programme. The audit should identify:
Our approach to unearthing this information is customised, but typically includes:
Each preparedness plan is unique. To be effective, plans must fit the organisational structure, be relevant to the specific threat, and take into consideration practicalities of “the new normal”.
While crisis management plans and response processes must be suitably flexible to account for any eventual situation, critical event plans will likely be considerably more specific, and response plans can be detailed to the minute.
Each crisis management and critical events plan is tailored to the results of the audit and the needs of the organization. Typically, though, they may include:
Our bespoke and authentic simulation exercises stress-test an organisation’s people, processes and plans, in particular how they hold up under the new working conditions your organisation may have adopted in recent months. The aim is to replicate the operational and reputational challenges of a crisis or critical event through realistic injects and roleplay, while testing the infrastructure you would rely on in a real situation.
Our simulation exercises can be used to stress-test your response teams by seeing how they respond to an unexpected crisis situation or to provide a realistic drill for an upcoming critical event. Regardless of the requirements for the exercise, all our simulations are designed to:
Highlight strengths and identify vulnerabilities in existing processes, plans, structures and skills
Provide maximum realism and participant engagement through:
Deliver total privacy by enabling the exercise to be delivered through a secure digital platform
Enable in-depth feedback and analysis together with actionable recommendations
All individuals who would be involved in managing a crisis or critical event. Typically this might include senior management, business continuity planning teams, the communications function and customer services
We have run exercises in multiple-locations across different offices, geographies and timezones. The platform and sessions can reflect however your teams are set up, and however they would be set up to take on the crisis.
A full simulation exercises are half a day in length. Our workshops generally take 2 hours. Exercises can of course be as long or as short as required.
Recent exercise scenarios
Specific COVID-19 scenarios
Integrating the plans, processes and tools into the standard ways of working for the key stakeholders will ensure the necessary organisational readiness to execute swiftly and effectively when required.
Our interactive facilitated workshops and training and development expertise, help embed agreed plans and processes across a much broader group of stakeholders.
We apply our expertise in learning and development to develop bespoke training programmes that build capability, develop skills and entrench knowledge. Our toolkit includes:
With an emphasis on training and learning, our facilitated crisis workshops are focused on developing and embedding best practice crisis management skills and critical-event plans. Participants work in teams to handle the various phases of an emerging crisis with frequent breaks for facilitated discussion and learning.
Participating teams work together on our interactive platform to respond to the unique challenges posed during various phases of a crisis or critical event.
At each stage, participants review and compare their responses on-screen with other teams; receiving instant reaction and feedback.
Our interactive digital platform engages participants as they respond to operational and reputational challenges across various phases of a crisis.
Any group of participants who are hoping to improve their skills and learn more
about best practice crisis management or deepen their knowledge of critical
event plans and processes.
Ideally all participants should be in one room so Fortify Workshops work well for conferences, offsite meetings or department away days.
Approximately 2 hours.
We were approached by a multinational pharmaceutical company to support with preparations for anticipated regulatory rulings in the US, EU and Japan for its lead drug in development. Our role involved auditing existing plans – both for this series of critical events and for past regulatory approval processes. This was followed by the development of a comprehensive suite of plans including an overarching communications strategy, messaging and materials to help guide the company through the approval processes in the specified markets. Our work also included helping the company scenario plan for different outcomes including a rejection of the drug which would seriously impact the valuation of the business.
FTI also developed a simulation exercise acting as a dress rehearsal for the forthcoming US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Advisory Committee. This exercise was conducted across three markets and involved over 20 key internal stakeholders within the business. FTI simulated the pressure that the company would face during the actual event – this including roleplaying media, investor, employee, regulator, political, KOL and patient stakeholders. Following the exercise, we refined the plans reflecting the identified areas for improvement. These plans were then rolled out to key stakeholders internally.
Our rigorous approach to critical event preparedness facilitated a much greater sense of confidence and order throughout the various regulatory rulings. The feedback from key internal stakeholders on all elements of our programme has been positive and has been cited as key to mitigating the potential risks.
A long-standing retail banking client asked for FTI’s support with the development of its crisis plan. Current processes and policies were split over a number of different documents which varied from business unit to business unit, and geography to geography. As a result, there was considerable confusion amongst employees responsible for handling crisis situations – and an inconsistent approach to crisis management.
Following a comprehensive review of the existing plans and processes including interviews with key internal stakeholders, FTI developed a new master crisis management framework for the bank. This framework provides guidance including crisis assessment and categorisation, roles and responsibilities, formation of key decision-making bodies and escalation procedures. This framework was stress-tested with the board and management team as part of a data breach-focused Fortify Simulation exercise. The three-hour exercise tested the company’s strategic response to a large-scale loss of customer data and involved responding to media, regulator, investor, employee, political and customer pressure.
To embed the crisis management framework across the broader organisation, FTI supported the bank with a series of Fortify Workshop exercises which involved adapting the data breach scenario for use in a facilitated, phased workshop format whereby the focus for participants was on upskilling and ensuring aligning with the crisis management plan.
Andrew Williams
Managing Director, FTI Consulting
+44 (0)20 3727 1530