Why now?

Handling a crisis or critical event well takes regular planning and practice.

While we’re all handling issues related to the pandemic, this doesn’t mean that you won’t face other unrelated crises. Cybercrime, for example, has risen during the pandemic and is posing new challenges just at the time when companies may be least equipped to handle this issue.

The chances are that even before COVID-19 the first stages of a crisis you face will be managed remotely rather than conveniently around a conference table. Now the bulk of any crisis will have to be handled remotely.

Ensuring your plans and processes are in place is as important now as it was last year. Stakeholders are just as unforgiving of poorly managed crises.

Similarly, testing your people and processes in this new environment is critical. A remote exercise tests your team’s ability to mobilise and work effectively under pressure over voice/digital collaboration channels.

A simulation keeps a scenario private and secure, and helps you learn, trying new approaches or strategies and getting feedback in a supportive environment. The focus is practical: making decisions and completing actions, rather than just talking issues through.

Combined with your real-world collaboration and conferencing tools, Fortify tests your infrastructure and your team’s ability to collaborate, while keeping the exercise behind closed doors.

Recent exercise scenarios

Recent exercise scenarios

  • Cybersecurity / data breach
  • Fraud
  • Leadership
  • Product recall
  • Platform failure / outage
  • Activism
  • Bribery
  • Sexual harassment
  • Financial performance / irregularities
  • Supply chain
  • Leadership issues

Specific COVID-19 scenarios

  • Incapacity or death of senior leadership
  • Simultaneous illness of 20-30% of the workforce
  • Severe disruption to business operations and supply chain
  • Rise of phishing, scams, and other cyberattacks targeting vulnerable staff working in unfamiliar surroundings
  • Network or service outage
  • Reputation-threatening allegations of poor treatment of staff or suppliers
  • Fast-moving misinformation and rumours